May 23, 2009

The "I don't have time to workout" Workout!

Americans’ attitudes toward exercise reflect other values in our culture today: we have grown lazy and passive, expecting rewards to come to us without effort and hoping that others will do for us what we can and should do for ourselves. In terms of physical activity, the result is that our health & fitness levels have fallen dramatically.

* Notes
  • The wide-ranging health benefits of regular exercise include:
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and obesity
  • Helping keep joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible
  • Helping increase metabolism, energy, and endurance
  • Reducing some of the effects of aging
  • Contributing to mental well-being (including alleviating depression, stress, and anxiety) and ensuring better sleep.
  • A properly designed and executed exercise program can improve or protect posture, help keep bones and muscles stronger, and maintain joints, tendons, and ligaments injury-free.
  • Exercise can help improve your skin and enable your internal organs to function better.
  • Exercise helps you lose body fat by:
  • Burning calories when you are exercising and increasing your metabolism for many hours afterward
  • Increasing your lean body mass, which:
  1. Equals a higher sustained metabolic rate
  2. Leads to a firmer, more sculptured physique
  3. Exercise makes you healthier, feel better, look younger and more alive—it’s sexy!

* Exercise Rules
  • There is only one main exercise rule when your goal is to lose fat and gain health: exercise is mandatory. So find something active you enjoy doing and make it part of your life right now.
  • Exercise is crucial for fat loss and good health. It is also essential for maintaining low body fat and a fit physique. However, the frequency, duration, and intensity of your exercise will vary depending on your goals and other circumstances.
  • Don’t be extreme with your exercise program.
  • An exercise program should consist of the six components shown in the following chart. Each workout should fit your age, current fitness level, and any medical or physical limitations you may have. Your goals, lifestyle, exercise interests, and commitment level should also be taken into consideration when your exercise program is designed.

is the "fountain of youth"!

“An effective exercise program will assure that you function properly in everyday activities. You may even become a black belt at age 45, run a marathon at age 50, or join a softball team at age 60!”

One of the most common "excuses" I get as a fitness expert, and one that I have used myself, is "I don't have time to workout". That may be a legitimate excuse from time to time, but shouldn't be one that keeps you from your best! Let's make sure you take it out of your negative thinking altogether! Exercise doesn't have to be expensive, complicated, or so time consuming that you avoid it all together! In fact, you may be overwhelmed with these 6 components, but I can assure you that you CAN fit these into a 60 minute workout program that is very efficient and effective. Time to Train!

“Here is some inexpensive gear to get you started
on a home exercise program: a Swiss ball,
a foam roller, dumbbells, and exercise bands.”
Now that you have your gear and you are healthy enough for an exercise program (or you know your limitations), you can do a very efficient and effective workout in less than one hour! All you have to do is start with a 20 minute power walk. Now that you are warmed up, do a 25 minute strength training workout with your Swiss ball, dumbbells and bands. Make sure you incorporate all body parts, and include functional training, core and balance training, and corrective exercises to ensure your body stays in balance. Lastly add your 15 minutes of flexibility training covering all body parts, while paying special attention to your weak areas. Make sure you use your foam roller–this is great for spine mobilization!

You can even get on your home treadmill or lifecycle and do a circuit training type workout–saves you more time!
You can switch your power walk to a bike ride, swim, or jog!

I am sure you know how to power walk, so the only thing you may need to do is learn exercises using this gear and the proper form in executing the exercises. You may consider hiring a fitness professional and they can help personalize your workout to meet goals, and will make sure it is adequate to include your medical and fitness limitations.

"I don't think there is anything I cannot do in athletics if someone showed me how."-- Jacki Joyner-Kersee
EXCERPT from MY DIVA DIET: A Woman's Last Diet Book (copyright 2007)


Military Momz said...

I have actually been working out this past week and have felt so much better and feel so great! Please send me your address so I can send you a cookbook! Sorry for the delay in response! I have been out of the loop and then got the best surprise today. My son (who has recently been in Iraq) and his wife (currently expecting their first child on Christmas Day) surprised me by flying home. I was expecting to pick them up at the airport next week.

Military Momz said...

Hey my email is Hugs to you!

alom_doank said...

wow its relly goood!!thanks for sharing!