Aug 15, 2009

Exercise: Cardiovascular Conditioning

Cardiovascular Conditioning (alias "cardio") requires movement of the body by large muscles groups over a sustained period of time.

MY DIVA DIET is based on the Five Factors Affecting Body Fat and Health
The Five Factors
Factor #1: Liquid Consumption
Factor #2: Quantity and Distribution of Calories
Factor #3: Quality and Purity of Calories
Factor #4: Restrictive and Unbalanced Dieting
Factor #5: Exercise

I would like to spend the next SIX BLOGS to cover the Diva 6 Components to an Effective Exercise Program:
  • Cardiovascular conditioning
  • Strength and endurance training
  • Flexibility training
  • Core and balance training
  • Corrective exercises
  • Functional training

Today I will focus on Cardiovascular Conditioning

  • Increase in circulation
  • Improvement in overall heart health, including increase in stroke volume and cardiac output
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decreased resting heart rate
  • Increased lung function
  • Improvement in blood lipid profile
  • Less prone to fatigue
  • Improvement in overall energy, stamina and endurance
  • Increase in muscular endurance
  • Increase in insulin sensitivity
  • Improvement in mood and sense of well being
I'm not a fan of Dr. Phil but he does have a great page about Cardio -- By Robert Reames, CSCS, *D, RTS1, CPT

Component #1 Cardiovascular conditioning quick overview
  • Purpose: Supports your heart and lungs, has many other health benefits; has a major impact on fat loss
  • Types of activity:
  1. Biking, running, fast walking, stair climbing, rowing, etc. (outside or indoor)
  2. Consider: A spin class, group aerobics class, kick boxing, circuit weight training
  • Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week
  • Duration: Approximately 30 to 45 minutes
  • Intensity: 75 to 85% of your maximum heart rate
As far as intensity goes, it is better to do a shorter duration and higher intensity than longer duration with a lower intensity.

Calculating Target Heart Rate:

Basic Target Heart Rate Example
220 - age = Max H.R 220 - 47 = 173
Max H.R X Intensity 178 X 85%= 147 per- min.
Therefore the cardiovascular zone is around 147 per min.

Karvonen method
The Karvonen method factors in Resting Heart Rate (HRrest) to calculate Target Heart Rate (THR):
THR = ((HRmax - HRrest) × %Intensity) + HRrest
Example for someone with a HRmax of 180 and a HRrest of 70:
50% intensity: ((180 - 70) × 0.50) + 70 = 125 bpm
85% intensity: ((180 - 70) × 0.85) + 70 = 163 bpm

Special Note: While cardio is great for your heart and lungs and does help with burning calories and will help you lose some weight, it is not as powerful as strength training, when you want to lose fat, re-shape your body and much more--this will be my next topic!

Increase your knowledge:

And check out my other blogs about Exercise:

Exercise Tips by Super Fit Diva

So get up and go exercise, and yes the photo in the beginning is me when I was a trac
k star--miss those days!

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