Sep 1, 2009

Exercise: Core and Balance Training

#4 Core and Balance Training
  • Core: Supports the supports the balanced and development of the deep superficial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body, especially the abdominal and muscles of the back.
  • Balance: Maintaining balance means having the centre of mass within your base of support, ie with your trunk aligned over your feet.
    • Core and balance training improves athletic performance and can help prevent injuries.
  • Types of activity: Core and balance training can be done with weights, exercise bands, medicine balls, or a Swiss ball. Consider using other balance equipment like pads, beams, discs and boards.
  • You can also train core and balance via yoga and Pilates
  • Frequency, duration, and intensity: Core and balance training can be incorporated into your exercise program (either with your weight training or in a class setting)
Check out this DVD: "Foundations of Core Stability and Balance Training" which was produced in cooperation with the ACE (American Council on Exercise), of which I am certified.

Here are some other blogs to help get you going!
Exercise Tips: The Swiss Ball
Six Pack Abs–Small Waistline: The Smart Way

An exercise program should consist of the six components shown in the following chart. Each workout should fit your age, current fitness level, and any medical or physical limitations you may have. Your goals, lifestyle, exercise interests, and commitment level should also be taken into consideration when your exercise program is designed.

This is Blog #4 of SIX BLOGS to cover the Diva 6 Components to an Effective Exercise Program: Core and balance training
  • Cardiovascular conditioning
  • Strength and endurance training
  • Flexibility training
  • Core and balance training
  • Corrective exercises
  • Functional training

Click her to see:
  1. Cardiovascular Conditioning
  2. Strength and Endurance Training
  3. Flexibility Training

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